Whilst in Vietnam, Simão Zacarias visited Dong Thap Community College in Dong Thap Province. He met Lê Thanh Hải and colleagues, who are collaborators in research funded by our project. Their research focus on “Development and validation of morphological and biometric welfare indicators for basa fish in the Đồng Tháp (Mekong Delta) Region”. During the visit, Simão met the Vice-Rector and discussed with them the potential for future collaborations with the Institute of Aquaculture, their fish welfare project, and gave an introductory talk to students and staff on fish welfare.
Simão Zacarias with Vice-Rector of Dong Thap Community college (Mr. Tran Van Luc) and Ms Dinh Thi Hong Loan who works for the Department of International Collaboration
Simão Zacarias before giving an introductory seminar on fish welfare to Dong Thap Community College staff and students
Simão Zacarias speaking about the Institute of Aquaculture and fish welfare to Dong Thap Community College staff and students
Simão Zacarias with Dong Thap Community College staff and students
Simão’s visit to Dong Thap Community College was broadcasted in the News from Dong Thap Television, which you can see in the clip below (Feature starts at approximately 3 min 30 seconds).