During October 2024, Simão Zacarias attended the Responsible Seafood Summit in St Andrews – Scotland and presented on “The Paths to Viable Alternatives to Shrimp Eyestalk Ablation”
Dr Richard Newton participated in the “International Fisheries and Aquaculture Conference - Ways to a Circular Economy” in September 2024 in Madrid, Spain, representing the SAFE project.
Dave Little and Richard Newton participated in the kick-off meetings for the DANIDA funded ‘Climate resilient aquatic food systems for healthy lives of young women and girls in Bangladesh project’ aka the AQUAFOOD project.
As part of our Open Philanthropy funded project on improving farmed fish welfare in Asia we are inviting proposals for short research projects from Thailand and Vietnam.
The sustainable Aquaculture Group participated in the University of Stirling Research Week 2018 through Pecha Kucha style presentations on our research themes and projects. Each presentation is 20 slides of 20 seconds each with the aim of communicating key ideas in an accessible format.