During October 2024, Simão Zacarias attended the Responsible Seafood Summit in St Andrews – Scotland and presented on “The Paths to Viable Alternatives to Shrimp Eyestalk Ablation”
Dr Richard Newton participated in the “International Fisheries and Aquaculture Conference - Ways to a Circular Economy” in September 2024 in Madrid, Spain, representing the SAFE project.
The Institute of Aquaculture hosted an AwayDay to enable PhD students from six universities to network and share their perspectives around the theme “Aquatic Foods in Sustainable Food Systems.”
With sponsorship from Salmon Scotland, Institute of Aquaculture PhD students recently invited high school students to visit the University of Stirling campus and interact with them about their research
Sustainable Aquaculture Group Postgraduate Research Students contributed to the very lively 5th Institute of Aquaculture Postgraduate Research Conference on 17th April 2018 with posters by Anastasios Baltadakis, Akpojotor Ekpeki, Dimitar Taskov and Simao Zacarias.