As one of the main dissemination outputs for the EU GAIN project, the Stirling team led the development of five free self-paced online course which are now available on the platform OpenLearn Create.
The five courses are:
Introduction to the GAIN project and courses - developed by Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Sustainability of aquaculture products - developed by the University of Stirling
Sustainable Aquafeeds - developed by SPAROS
Valorisation of aquaculture wastes: An approach to the circular economy - developed by CSIC with contributions from ANFACO-CECOPESCA, Salten Havbrukspark and Waister AS
Each course provides video, text and graphical content with auto-marked quizzes to help learners monitor their understanding and progress.
Course materials include videos, text and graphics, self-test quizzes and links to wider resources
Learners who enrol and complete a course are awarded a completion certificate and badge which can be displayed via social media.
The GAIN course badge collection
The course “Sustainability of Aquaculture Products” was developed by Professor David Little, Dr Richard Newton and Dr Sonia Rey Planellas of the Institute of Aquaculture. It provides a broad overview of sustainability issues and then focuses on more specific issues for aquaculture products, how they can be measured and opportunities for improvement.
The course collection can be accessed by anyone interested in the topics on OpenLearn Create. Most materials and made available through creative commons licenses and trainers and educators are encouraged to make use of them in their own programmes.